Kamis, 14 Agustus 2014

friends is everything

Friends is everything, kayaknya udah ga asing buat didenger dong ya....
Banyak dikalangan remaja atau siapapun pasti menanggap teman adalah segalanya.
Karena mereka ada ketika kita butuh mereka, butuh opini ketika kita menghadapi masalah, butuh pundak ketika kita lagi andilau (antara dilema dan galau), ya pokoknya butuh temen buat keluh kesah dong pastinya.
Kalo udah ada mereka, kita cerita segimana panjang pun pasti didengerin deh...

Selain temen buat tempat keluh kesah, mereka juga cocok banget buat temen hangout.
Jadi, temen itu selain bisa diajak seneng seneng juga bisa ada pas kita lagi butuh mereka.

Dimanapun kita berada selain sesi curhat pas Quality Time pasti manfaatin buat selfie ataupun foto bareng temen dong yaaaaaa......

Selasa, 13 Mei 2014

3 tempat hunting di cirebon

Udah pada tau dong Cirebon? iya cirebon terkenal sama kulinernya yang yuamik banget. Bukan cuma itu, tempat tempat bagus buat hunting juga lumayan banyak loh.....

Nih, aku ada beberapa hasil hunting di Ciebon kaya di Gua sunyaragi, Lapangan bima sama gedung BAT cirebon...

Senin, 12 Mei 2014

Your Future In Your Own Hand

Your Future In Your Own Hand

Every people have rightful authority to get success. God always give you everything. Some people feel better with beatiful situation. But, some of people can’t grateful what they have, because they never feel get what they want. If you wanna be successful person, it is not easy but it is also not difficult. You just do the best in your life and always make effort to get successful future.
I have some of reason why some of people so difficult to get success, whereas your future in your hand.
First, you never confident about your ability. Don’t you say “this is me, my less knowladge” don’t say that. If you ever say that, it means that you cover up yourself to be better person.
Second, your age. Do you know about your age can make difficult you to get success? Some of people who have high awareness always have good planning for the future. And they always start from now.
Third, healthy. If you have good health you may have big expectation in your life. Healthy in here not only both of body or spirit but also common sense in yourself.
Fourth, intelectual. God always give every people supreme intellegence, but some of people can’t use a gift from God maximally. You must use your ability and always practice your ability.
Fifth, destiny. You can make your destiny is good. If you have intention in yourself and you have plan so you can make effort, you can change your life and you get good destiny. The other way if you just stuck in your situation, it can’t make your life be better.
Sixth, good circles, not failed circles. Good circle is one of factor to get successful future. If you choose bad circle, it make bad impact. If you have friend who always lazy and never have motivate in theirself, stay away from them.
Seventh, restrict ourself. The people who wanna become successful person must do anything to get the bright future. You must always trying, because if you wanna be better person you can know what a lesson from there.
So, don’t be lazy if you wanna become successful person. The successful person always have good intention from now, makes an effort for tomorrow and always start from now. You must think clearly what you want, because God always give you anything. You must use the gift from God. The future in your hand, so you must do the best from yourself in yourlife.

Minggu, 07 Juli 2013

sejatinya teman itu...

Banyak yang mengatakan teman adalah dia yang mau menerima kita apa adanya, yang selalu ada didalam suka maupun duka.
Terkadang seseorang yang kita anggap lebih dari teman atau sahabat justru dia yang dapat menjatuhkan kita.
Sejatinya teman tidak saling merujit satu sama lain...
Dia yang selalu ada dalam suka maupun duka....
Dia yang tidak pernah merujit...
Dia yang tidak pernah mengatakan "ini" tapi nyatanya adalah "itu"...
Sejatinya teman???....

Minggu, 03 Februari 2013

ada cita-cita disebuah asa

harapan dan cita-cita itu pasti dimiliki oleh setiap orang .
namun seberapa besar kita meraih apa yang kita inginkan .
bukan hanya sebuah harapan , namun tindakan dan do'a .
dengan asa juga kita percaya akan keberhasilan yang akan kita raih nanti .
ingin sekali rasanya menjadi guide atau translater atau broadcastin.
namun apakah sebuah harapan itu pantas kita dapatkan hanya dengan berkhayal untuk mendapatkannya ?

tidak hanya itu , apa karakter kita cocok untuk menjadi apa yang kita harapkan nanti ?
sebisa mungkin kita berusaha untuk meraih apa yang kita inginkan ...

Kamis, 22 November 2012

i got happiness with you♥

In the picture you can understood how am i so happiness with you aryo :)
I always laugh beside you and i never found what is gloomy beside you .
I hope like that forever and ever .

Longlast and Longlife yeaaah !  ♥

my plan in the future

Now, im studying in Swadaya Gunung Jati University in Cirebon . My major is English Education Department  .
First time , maybe im not confidence to enterence this major because i don't have much knowladge about my major . But , overtime i think it's not difficult if you study hard to understanding about your lesson and you also understanding about characteristic's lecturer . And you can found so easy to got the good score .
Although i still first semester but from now i must get good score because i must get scholarship  :)
At least , i ease my parents, AMIN .
I hope i get degree just 3-3,5 years because i thinking about my plan to get job and i must saving my money to my future, AMIN .
After i saving my money and i married with my boyrfriend , i want to have just two childreen and they are so funny ,clever and make their parents happy to them . I have the sweet home , a car and happy ending with my husband , AMIN .
After married i and my husband want to make a restaurant in my hometown , i hope this restaurant so famous in my hometown , AMIN .
I hope i can raise Hajj my big family , AMIN .

Over all i want to make my parents happy and proud of me :)


Cirebon , November 2012